Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Keep Moving-Part 2 of Everybody's Business

Sometimes, I try not to be nosy, but its kind of like Greta trying not to drink out of the toilet, it goes against nature. Case in point-there was a terrible auto accident in the intersection just outside my office building. I took pictures. I know, I know, it was in terrible taste and I'll likely rot in a firey pit of eternal damnation, but I couldn't help it. I'm nosy.

I'm also quite furious that this accident happened.

The original intersection flowed something like this:
The right lane southbound could only turn right onto RG PKWY and those on RG PKWY wishing to turn right onto PIB could do so, without yielding. In fact, there was a sign that said "Keep Moving".
(Like this-and yes, the cars in front of me are not moving)

Now, the intersection looks like this:
Now the right lane southbound can continue straight on and those wishing turn turn right onto PIB must yield to oncoming traffic.

The problem I had, they didn't tell anyone. I mean, sure, the DOT doesn't have to tell anyone, but they didnt even take down the "Keep Moving" sign until a month ago. AND, the previous layout had been like that for YEARS, so it would probably be in the best interest of everyone if you put up a sign that says "Please yield to oncoming traffic"....or SOMETHING!

About two months ago, I nearly got T-Boned making a right onto PIB from RG PKWY. The "Keep Moving" sign was still up, I didn't realize that the lanes had been altered, and box truck came barrelling through the intersection in the far right lane...scared the daylights out of me. Husband suggested I write an anonymous letter to the DOT explaining my concerns, but lets be honest-they probably don't care. The changes were because so many people complained about traffic congestion-I would rather be stuck in traffic than dead, but thats just me.

Everyone in the office has been speculating that one of two things happened, that the upside down car ran the redlight and the truck (not in the picture) hit them, causing them to flip, or that one of the cars was turning onto PIB and was hit by the other car.

Im curious as to what happened, might have to request a copy of the accident report! (I am also praying that everyone is ok-the SCRT Unit was on the scene when I was leaving work at 5:30. Co-worker said the accident occured at about 4:30)

***UPDATE*** I spent a little while listening to the archives of the Gwinnett County Fire and Rescue (I cant help it!) and one person had to be extracted, but refused treatment and another person was taken to the hospital, Code 1. One of my co-workers wife heard from the mail man that the lady driving the upside down car had passed away, and the truck that was in the intersection had run the redlight and hit her. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.

1 comment:

Amanda said... know they have an app called "Scanner Radio". Umm yeah...every time I see cops flying somewhere I turn it on so I can find out what is going on.