Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby Bad News-The Beginning

So, I'm a terrible blogger. The absolute worst. Lets just say bed rest was exhausting...More so than caring for the now one month old happily relaxing in her vibrating chair. But she's here and she's absolutely the sweetest baby I think I've ever known. Of course, I may be partial.

Anywho, her entrance into the world was, well, memorable.

It all started on April 25th. I was exactly 38 weeks and, while I wasn't uncomfortable, I had been on bed rest for the past 5 weeks and was beginning to get a little stir crazy. I had big plans for this day-after my appointment with my midwife, Dixie, I was sneaking out to Michael's to pick up frames for BBN's nursery and then making a quick stop by Hancock Fabrics for fabric to make a little quilt. My coupons were printed. I didn't care that I was under strict orders not to shop (Seriously, my midwife said no shopping, but the nursery needed to be finished) I was breaking the rules. What a rebel I am.

So I arrive at my doctor's office...provide the standard urine sample, do the blood pressure thing. The usual. Dixie asks me how I'm feeling and I respond "I'm over it". All I could think about was how much could still go wrong and given my placenta issues, I was petrified that it would just stop working and I would lose the baby. Or that my fluid levels would drop even more and the cord would get compressed and I would lose my little nugget. Dixie took my blood pressure again...it went from 145/90 to 160/108 and the decision was made-I was getting induced.

Fast forward to later that night-I arrived at the hospital at 10 p.m., got my cervadil and tried to get some sleep. It didn't happen (I had an intern put my iv in and seriously, that was the most painful part of the whole experience) and I spent most of the night listening to BBN's heartbeat and Husband's snoring.

The next morning, it was go time. I took a shower, put on makeup (I didn't want my daughter seeing me without my face on) and it was on like donkey kong. The pitocin was started at 8 a.m., but it did a whole lot of nothing (I was all of one centimeter), so Dixie decided to break my water at 9 a.m.. Now, I was under the impression that my contractions would "ramp up" so I didn't think I would need the epidural right away. For the record, I was wrong. I managed about 30 minutes of contractions before I sent my wonderful nurse (and sister in law) to track down the anesthesiologist. He came in almost immediately and hooked a sista up. Sure I had the epidural shivers, but I felt no pain (and that's just the way I like things). I even managed a nap!

Around 12:30, Dixie woke me up to check my status (Yes, I took a 3 hour nap in the middle of labor) and, to the shock of everyone, I was 10 centimeters! I progressed from 1cm to 10cm in three and a half hours! It was time to push! Dixie asked if I wanted my sister in law to deliver little BBN and, of course, I said yes!
(Getting the Party Started)

Well, things went from fast to faster and, after 4 contractions, Caroline Jane was born at 1:06 p.m.

Now, I know what you're thinking...You're thinking "But Stephanie, you look so washed out. I thought you put on makeup?". Well friends, I did put on makeup. I also did a little faux tanning before heading to the hospital. But you can't tell because I had a little "complication". My damn placenta decided that it wasn't ready to be delivered and wanted to hang out a little while longer in my womb. So I lost some blood, like 1200mL or so, which, for Husband, was a very traumatic sight. Luckily, my doctors were calm, which kept me calm (actually, I was in shock, but calm, shock. same diff). I had a d&c to remove the stubborn placenta and was loaded up on fluids and methergin...in all seriousness it could have been really bad, but it wasn't. And I have the most beautiful (and healthy) baby girl and that's all that matters.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bed Rest

Monday started out like any other Monday...Until I peed my pants. Well, not actually, or maybe actually...I'm still not 100% sure. I called my OB and the long and short of it is-I don't have as much amniotic fluid as I'm suppose to (though I'm not leaking) but they aren't sure why. I also have an "old placenta", which could explain the low fluid, but they aren't saying for sure.

So, here I sit (lay), Day 2 of bed rest. Its been relaxing so far, but its starting to get a little boring. There is a list of things I need to do (a very, very LONG list) but unfortunately, bed rest is preventing me from completing the list. UGH. On the plus side, I'm getting caught up with big rich texas. Scandelous.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

30 Weeks

Rule #1-do not allow Husband to take pregnancy pictures (especially after he's had a few cocktails). Husband thought this was absolutely hilarious and this was seriously the best one out of 15.

In other news, I purchased a pair of Gap Skinny Jeans (full panel) and I must say they are AWESOME. I am normally a label ho and will only wear designer label jeans...but after suffering through 2 trimesters in the itchiest pair of J Brand Mama skinnys, I gave in and went to the Gap. Its so nice to be able to wear jeans without wanting to claw your skin off.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Nursery (so far)

I probably shouldn't be showing off a very unfinished nursery. I shouldn't, but I will. Considering this room was a "man den" a mere 3 months ago, the progress is phenomenal. uh-may-zing.

Let me first start by introducing you to my stroller, I call her Laura. Why, Laura, you ask? Because to me, she is much like our pratical, yet classy, former first lady, Laura Bush. She's no flashy bugaboo spending 50K at naughty stores (a first lady that shall remain nameless)

You really have no idea how excited I am about this stroller, and how awesome I am going to look pushing Baby H around Lenox Mall when we're doing our mommy-baby shopping.

Next up on our tour, the crib. This so happens to be the same crib J-Lo used in her nursery. My motto, if it's good enough for Max and Emme, its good enough for Baby H.

Yes, I know. Baby's crib is naked. Naked as the day she was born. I have ordered fabric and at some point, will get started on making those linens. until then, naked crib is what you get.

This was my $49 craigslist purchase. It's not 100% what I wanted and Daddy will be making a trip up to Atlanta shortly to put the final touches on it (ie, fix the drawers so that they will open and close like drawers are suppose to) but size wise, it fits. Style wise, its French Provincial-esque...or French Provincial enough.

In this corner, we have all of the items we need but do not have permanent homes for yet. It's also where we are going to put the glider...I know it looks junky, one day, maybe, it wont?

This is just a terrible picture. I am not quite sure how I am going to manage to photograph the future light of my life when I can't even photograph her nursery light fixture. I'm pretty sure Baby H will come out of the womb shinin' like a rap mogul's bling.

Here is her closet (so far). Since I discovered Smocked Auctions (and subsequently found out that Husband knows the owner, guess they went to college together) I've kind of been on a buying frenzy. Husband says no more online shopping. I mainly ignore him.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pregnancy Joys

Lately, I've been experiencing some pregnancy-related self esteem issues. Actually, the entire month of January was fraught with pregnancy related bummers, including, but not limited to:

1.)Retiring my TBs until feet swelling goes down. This was particularly sad, because this occured while shopping in NYC and my SIL told me that I would forever stretch and ruin my fav TBs if I continued to wear them with fat feet syndrome. I had to make an emergency stop at Naturalizer (shoot me now, but at least it wasn't SAS, not that there is ANYTHING wrong with SAS shoes...) to pick up a more practical pair of flats...It was depressing.
Here I am with my much more stylish SILs and MIL, and yes, I am carrying a black purse with a brown sweater. I am a walking fashion train wreck.

2.) Came to the realization that I can't wear heels anymore. Most women can wear heels their entire pregnancy, but apparently, I am not most women. This, too, occured in NYC, when I faceplanted in the middle of a crosswalk. Baby is fine, Mommy's ego is bruised.

3.) Maternity shirts don't fit me anymore. Weirdly, I can still wear most of my pre-pregnancy shirts, but my maternity blouses just aren't fitting the belly anymore.

4.) Yes, I'm only 26 weeks, but I am tired ALL.THE.TIME. Lugging around this extra 20 L-Bs is really wearing me out!

One of my co-workers (who is a guy) sent me about the best email ever yesterday. To preface, I was feeling particularly large, waddling about the office, winded and grumpy. I had just busted a seam in my leggings (which, in my defense, is because Old Navy stuff is el-cheapo and poorly made. I won't make that mistake again) and BBN (baby bad news, for short) was diggin in my ribs. The email said,

"Stephanie, I can’t say I know how you feel, but I did witness my wife struggle through pregnancy 3 times. Here is one of the quotes she had hanging up during her pregnancy that helped her through the rough days:

“Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever“ By Nikki Dalton"

Now how awesome is that! So there you have it, my new motto for the rough days.

Here is one of my obligatory self portraits. The bathrooms in my house are not exactly conducive for bathroom self portraits, so I'm probably going to have to figure something else out. Standing on the edge of the tub holding onto the shower curtain isn't going to cut it.

At my last appointment (2 weeks ago) bbn was weighing in at a solid 1 pound, 10 ounces, and momma had packed on a respectable (and frightening) 23 pounds.

And here is me before bbn. I will have this body back, heck, itll be even better.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Husband hooked me up with a brand new 50mm lens, so, needless to say, my Christmas post will be a little picture heavy (Plus, I have the most adorable nephews ever, so all I want to do is take their picture!!)

The Christmas Tree in all its glory!

Sometimes, in order to get to the presents, you have to go over the presents first...

Rockin' Out!

Pretending to be puppies (trying out Maggie the Bulldog's new dog bed)



Greta Belle in her new hoodie and her bone...she's a happy pup!

Gus would really like to just have a taste of Greta Belle's bone...

My most dapper nephew in his sport coat and new tie!