Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Not a good thing to say to a pregnant woman.

Allow me to preface this by saying, yes, I have been incredibly hormonal lately (and incredibly gassy, which i discovered is thanks to kashi go lean, but that is beside the point) but I double checked with my other pregnant co-worker and we concurred that the following things are not good to say to pregnant women.

1.) "Wide load coming through!". Really, you should just be smarter than that. My pregnancy does not excuse your rudeness.

2.) (This exchange happened last night, and really got my goat):

Co-worker: Wow, Stephanie, you are so much bigger than Kelli! And she's like 6 weeks further along than you are!

Me: Guess I should lay off the ice cream, then? (joking)

Co-worker: That would probably be a good idea! (not joking)


3.) "Well it must just be you"... (So, I was explaining my reasons why i would not eat buffet shrimp cocktail or feta cheese...mainly cross contamination, listeria, etc., when one of my co-workers said, "well, it must just be you, because my wife ate whatever she wanted"...I promtly replied, "well i guess your wife didnt care if she killed your baby"...mean, I know, but guess what, if I dont want to eat something because I'm not comfortable eating it, don't criticize me and make rude comments...I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR WIFE DID).

4.) "You should just be thankful you're pregnant"- So, when I was little, there was always an exchange at our dinner table that went along the lines of "you should eat your dinner and be thankful, there are starving babies in Africa". So I get it, as long as there are infertile women in America, I should be thankful I'm pregnant. But I am thankful, I am thankful for every little kick, every little bump...what I could do without is the gas, the constipation, the back pain, the swollen feet, the fat ass and the breathlessness i deal with on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade it, but I am allowed to lament over my lack of bowel movements on facebook just as much as you are allowed to lament over your inability to conceive!

One of the blogs that I read sometimes said it best-
"Being pregnant doesn’t mean that they automatically revoke your “Sometimes I Need to Vent Card”. Of course, if all my blog posts were about how much pregnancy sucks, that I hated every minute of it, that I was disappointed in whatever the sex of my baby is (so you know, I would have been thrilled even if the baby were a hermaphrodite by the time I did my third IVF) or if I was endlessly bitching and moaning, I’d more than agree with people being for annoyed with me.

However, if I occasionally complain about being embarrassed about throwing up on a street corner in front of strangers, after almost three years of trying to get pregnant, I believe I've earned that right. Hell, if anything, I paid thousands of dollars to express the rare complaint if I want to!

Also, on the flip side, if I did nothing but marvel at how wonderful it is to have hemorrhoids, how getting an amnio was more fun than a trip to the Bahamas, told you how much I enjoyed my nipples changing colors so often that they were like mood rings and wrote non-stop about how pregnancy was an orgasmic cake walk of happiness, sunshine and lollipops, not only would you seek to have me committed, I’m pretty sure I’d get even MORE hate mail than I’m already getting now.

B) If and when I do occasionally have a complaint about being pregnant, that doesn’t mean I’m not grateful. That is one I’ve heard a lot. The fact that I’ve pointed out a few difficulties I’ve had while being pregnant doesn’t mean that I’m any less grateful. It’s like anyone who complains about their husband when they are happily married. You love him (hopefully) and you can’t imagine a life without him but when he uses all the toilet paper and doesn’t replace it, like it or not, it’s annoying."
The 2 Week Wait

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